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We're all in this together. *cue the "High School Musical" theme song*

Students and Families, we are all going through an epidemic TOGETHER. When all of this passes over, we will talk about how we went through a tough and challenging time and made it out to the other side kinder, more aware of one another, and not taking life or freedom for granted.

I know some of us are feeling anxious, confused, and fearful. I know I am. Talking about it is okay. The more we communicate how we are feeling, the more we can process through those emotions and move forward in an uphill progression. Here are some things you can do while you are isolating at home:

1.) Your School Work.

Don't do it for me or for your teachers. Do it for yourself. You have a privilege to attend school and get an education, don't let this virus take that away.

2.) Self Care.

Whether that be face masks, watching a feel-good movie, or reading your favorite novel, do something that makes you feel better.

3.) Exercise.

Yes, gyms are closed and you can only do so much but there are many videos on YouTube that will get you up and moving. Heather Robertson is a great trainer who has a variety of workout videos that only needs you, your drive, and an open space.

4.) Family Memories

Parents work hard and kids are busy with school, sports, and other extra curricular activities. This is a time where families are stuck together for the first time in a while. Play some board games, cook a meal together, or pray with one another. Whatever your choice might be, ask your parents and siblings to join you.

5.) Learn a new hobby.

Download Pinterest and search up new interests. Sometime like painting, sewing, cooking, baking, and so many more new things to explore.

Whether you choose to take up baking or do a few jumping jacks, I hope we all come out of this better versions of ourselves. We cannot control the weather or what is going on around us with this virus but what we can control is ourselves. Take control of what you are choosing to become and who you want to be when this is all over. Don't let this virus take more than it is already taking. Set goals. Imagine dreams. Believe in yourself. Have hope.

Take care and stay safe!

With kindness,

Ms. Laham xx

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